How to Get Product Collection in Magento 2?
Blog Overview In the previous blog, we learnt how to get customer collection in Magento 2. In this blog, we shall see how to get product collection in Magento 2. Step 1 : Create the 2 mandatory files: Refer this blog and create module.xml file inside etc folder and registration.php file inside Code5fixer/ProductCollection folder. Here, ProductCollection is the name of the module folder. app/code/Code5fixer/ProductCollection/etc/module.xmlapp/code/Code5fixer/ProductCollection/registration.php Step 2 : Create a Controller file: As a next step, we shall create a page using controller, in which we are going to display product collection in the frontend. To do so, create a folder inside CustomerCollection folder and name it as Controller. Inside Controller folder, create a folder and name it as Product and inside Customer folder, create a php file and name it…